A Satisfied Mind
A Satisfied Mind
Ep 58. – Happy New Year, you made it!

Ep 58. – Happy New Year, you made it!

Happy New Year.

There’s no question to answer no lessons to learn, no year to reflect upon. I know you’re all doing that already in your own way.

And there’s no resolutions to make, no goals to set, no declarations of massive change to make.

Instead, just a pause, to acknowledge this present moment. For who you are right now, in this present moment, for all that you’ve become and are, now, for all that you are already, for all you are to be.

What I want to say here now, is that if you are listening to this, thank you. Thank you for sharing the most precious of commodities, your time and attention with me and this community that is fast growing, a conscious community of others just like you and me committed to being better, to doing better, to fearing less and loving more through cultivating self awareness and perhaps even a more satisfied mind.

For now, as one year ends and a new one begins, if possible set aside the weight of expectations, set aside the innate desire to do better next year, let go of that which you regret or wished you had’ve done differently last year. For all that you’ve lost, for that which you’re grieving, for that which you’re celebrating, the best way to acknowledge it all is to simply be with it all in this present moment, to inhale, to pause, to exhale and to pause.

To bear witness to the truth and the beauty inherent in this moment, in you, to wonder at the perfection of it all, including the uncertainty, the tragedy, the triumphs, the loss and the lessons. To wonder at it all. To inhale, pause, exhale, pause.

And repeat.

And continue.

You’re doing a great job.

You’re here, you made it. You won.

And on it goes.